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Hi, I'm Elliott. I'm a former child currently studying Advertising and Brand Design at Ravensbourne University in London.

I'm originally from Swindon, but don't hold that against me.


I've had a keen interest in designing the way things look for as long as I can remember. It started with drawings when I was much younger (though I still continue to draw to this day) and then went on to become more evolved as I travelled through life and education. Doodles became art lessons, became photography, became PhotoShop, became Graphic Design and finally became advertising.


Aided by what I can only describe as my sideways look at the world, I enjoy adding humour and quirky designs in my work, possibly helped by the fact that I fill my life with puns and little cartoons. Maybe I designed a world of my own, maybe I'm from a different planet, regardless, I've been told I has a unique style that people recognise and like.


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